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VIP Queen: Jennifer Nicole Lee

Model | Jennifer Nicole Lee IG @jennifernicolelee

Words/interview | Dr. Cybil Bonhomme IG @cybil.007

Photographer | Dmitry Zhitov @dmitryzhitov_photo

Wardrobe Stylist | Ruthia Fuller @ruthiafuller

Makeup Artist | Richard Ching @chingstyle

Location: LEGACY @nodaysoff

Jennifer Nicole Lee, Miami Vibes Magazine, Dr. Cybil Bonhomme

Jennifer Nicole Lee is a true Miami VIP Queen. She is an American fitness model, motivational speaker, and author. Lee is known for her weight loss success story, having lost over 70 pounds herself, and has since helped others achieve their fitness and weight loss goals through her books, DVDs, and online coaching programs. Jennifer is the author of several books, including "The Jennifer Nicole Lee Fitness Model Diet," "The Mind Body & Soul Diet," and "The Sexy Body Diet." She has also appeared on numerous TV shows, including "The Today Show," "The Oprah Winfrey Show," and "The Tyra Banks Show."In addition to her fitness career, Lee is also a businesswoman and founder of JNL Worldwide, a wellness and lifestyle brand. Don’t let her teeny, tiny waist fool you. When it comes to getting someone to lead a healthier and more active lifestyle, there’s no holding back. Jennifer will pull all the stops and get you to where you need to be.

Jennifer Nicole Lee, Miami Vibes Magazine, Dr. Cybil Bonhomme

When did you discover your love for fitness? I discovered my love for fitness over 20 years ago in 2003. I found myself falling into a desperate trap of unhealthy habits, similar to the lineage of women who came before me. Suddenly I had a spiritual awakening while I was on the couch eating pizza and donuts, holding my baby on one arm and sitting with my toddler son. A flash of insight downloaded into my third eye in an instant, and I saw my entire life flash right before me. It showed me that if I did not take drastic and immediate action and become a woman on a mission to be her healthiest and happiest best, I would also fall into the traps of being overweight, with chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, worry, and being an emotional eater. So that’s when I went to work on myself! Here I am two decades later, still maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I have to honestly say it is the holistic approach to the mind, body, and spirit, with a serious focus on cultivating mental toughness and leading a disciplined life, that has given me results that have lasted over 20 years. And I am not stopping!

Tell us a little bit about your journey. How did this all begin? My journey began 20 years ago after I gave birth to my second son and I found myself with no direction, drive, or any type of get-up-and-go! I had my husband take a picture of me in a swimsuit just to gauge how out of shape I was. I knew I was out of shape, but the photo absolutely shocked me, and in a nanosecond I was jolted to take serious steps into becoming the best woman, mother, and athlete I could be! I shifted my mindset from a mother trying to bounce back after having given birth, to the new identity of an athlete. I started eating, thinking and training like an athlete. Active recovery days were very important, including massage therapy and other wellness rituals that helped me recover quickly. Then women started asking me for my fitness advice. I became my own fitness expert, and here I am, 20 years later, having taught countless exercise classes and authored 17 books with another on the way and having a successful online coaching program with a worldwide audience. I am beyond blessed to motivate others to reclaim and unleash their VIP Power!

Jennifer Nicole Lee, Miami Vibes Magazine, Dr. Cybil Bonhomme

What does your daily regiment look like, including fitness and nutrition? My daily regimen is actually quite fun! Even though I live a very disciplined lifestyle – I go to bed and wake up early, I don't consume alcohol, I coach and motivate my online global clientele – I absolutely love what I do! On Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, I go live with my “JOLT OF JNL Podcast” at 7AM EST at and on my Instagram page @JenniferNicoleLee. My “Jolt of JNL” Podcast is a power-talk with a laser-focus on mental-toughness coaching (which is open to all who want to tune in). Then I train my VIP Queens at our Members-Only Private Group Workouts in a private link, accessible only to my VIP Members, or as I call them, my “VIP Queens,” with my accredited JNL VIP Workout Method. I am big on nutrition and eating as “lean, clean and green” as I can, so I do meal prepping and cooking to ensure I am getting enough protein for recovery. I always make time to spend with my family and loved ones, as that is a cornerstone of my success. I do marketing, promotions, modeling, photoshoots, and of course connect with my VIP QUEENs online throughout the day. I’m living my passion and purpose, and I’m so grateful that I found my calling: being a “lightworker” by motivating, inspiring, and helping others to live their very best lives!

Jennifer Nicole Lee, Miami Vibes Magazine, Dr. Cybil Bonhomme

Any advice for someone who struggles to get fit and healthy? My advice for someone who struggles with getting fit and healthy would be to find out what their “WHY” is! Once you find out what your “WHY” is, it’ll catapult you into taking serious and immediate action, giving you a relentless surge of motivation to never give up. I also suggest getting clean and mapping out your goals out from the start! I’m very much into vision boards, journaling, coaching, consulting, and masterminding to gain clarity, focus, and to create a winning lifestyle strategy for my clients based on their lifestyles and goals. And why do others fail? Because they don't have the right coach who cares, or a community that is supportive and non-judgemental. It’s essential for someone to hire a coach that they can trust. Many times people do not reach their fitness goals because they do not have a coach who they can trust, who actually cares, and who is on call 24/7. A lot of ghost fitness programs are the norm now. I love the intimate one-on-one touch of showing up for my clients! Also from my 20 years of experience, I know that it is essential to have accountability and also be a part of a community of other like-minded women. This positive peer pressure will help someone who has blocks, or who consistently self-sabotages. Plus, having a coach that cares and also a community of loving, unconditionally supportive women makes the journey so much fun! And when it’s fun, you stick with it.

Jennifer Nicole Lee, Miami Vibes Magazine, Dr. Cybil Bonhomme

Did you face challenges along the way? This is a great question. When your passion and purpose outweighs any challenges, you will always find a way to succeed. Sadly enough, there are a lot of snakes in the grass in the fitness industry that prey upon women who really want to get their life in order. I’ve seen a lot of people take advantage of innocent, vulnerable women who truly are the crossroads of wanting to become the best version of themselves. I’ve been there and I’ve experienced that myself when I first started out aiming to get in shape. This is why I created my online coaching program, to help women remove all blocks, jump over any obstacles, and feel supported and celebrated along the way. As a CEO and veteran businesswoman with two decades under my belt, I’ve seen just how hard it is to have a business to be successful – not only that, but to be sustainable and endure the ups and downs. But when you are consistent, relentless and divinely guided, and you trust your gut instinct, your intuition, and your sixth sense, there’s no way that you can fail! Plus, I am a “luck-o-logist.” I truly believe that I’m lucky, divinely favored, and I attract positive outcomes because I’m a positive person. I am big into the law of attraction, and I know what you put out comes back to you, because the law of karma is real! So if you do good, good will flow back to you in all areas of your life.

Jennifer Nicole Lee, Miami Vibes Magazine, Dr. Cybil Bonhomme

Are your workouts also for men? I have a large male following, so yes, my workouts can also be geared towards men as I train intensely, and also lift very heavy weights. A lot of women I train online have their significant others train with them! Coming

soon to my website at will be training for men as well! So stay tuned!

Being that June is men’s health awareness month, what are some ways you recommend the fellas out there can stay fit and healthy? I urge men to become more aware of creating harmony and balance in their wellness program, especially since June is men’s health awareness month. I believe in the holistic approach: mind, body, and spirit. Make sure you blend in strength, cardio, and also recovery habits such as foam rolling, deep tissue massage therapy, and chiropractic care if needed. Also, practicing positive affirmations is extremely important for mental well-being. Burnout is real, especially for active men since they juggle so much. So I highly recommend that today’s active male sets aside a solid few hours a week for intense hard “shut-down time,” which consists of meditation, quiet time, prayer, sports massage, and maybe even a spa day with their significant other. You can’t pour from an empty cup. So aim to keep your cup full!

Jennifer Nicole Lee, Miami Vibes Magazine, Dr. Cybil Bonhomme

Aside from being a fashion queen, you are also quite the fashionista. Did you always have a love for fashion? I have a black belt in fashion! LOL! I’ve always loved fashion, as I have always said I have a sickness for fitness and a passion for fashion; blend them together and you have the VIP QUEEN fashion collection available at I’ve always been creative, designing my gym activewear with logos and motivational catchphrases. I love putting on things that empower me, shifts my energy, and makes me feel pumped up and positive! I believe as women we have the right to celebrate ourselves, no matter what size, shape, skin color, or age we are, because we are all beautiful, and fashion is a way of expressing ourselves without using words! It truly is an art form, and I’ve also been blessed to be given the nickname “The Fitness Artist”!

What have been some of your biggest achievements? Some of my biggest achievements have been balancing home life with work life and a very robust social life. Raising two sons who are very successful, and most importantly keeping a close spiritual relationship with my higher power. But I have to say my biggest accomplishment is maintaining my wellness success, while motivating other women to do the same on a global level. And for someone who didn’t get the best grades in English, having authored 18 books actually shocks even me! I believe once people have a spiritual awakening, their entire energy field is shifted, and miracles, luck, positive vibrations, and doors open for them that no man could open. There are divine miracles at work here and I’m excited to see all of my clients getting results. I call my VIP Queens at my online coaching program an “angel network,” because when you believe in angels, they appear! At the end of the day, I’m so thrilled to change lives. I wake up so happy knowing that my “ripple effect” is a tsunami of empowering others to be their very best! When I truly transform a woman’s life forever, that, to me, is a big accomplishment!

Jennifer Nicole Lee, Miami Vibes Magazine, Dr. Cybil Bonhomme

Any projects in the works? Some projects in the works include my 18th book, which will be available on 10/10, with an in-person book signing celebration in Miami on 11/11. I’m also planning my 2024 World Conference & Fun Fitness Retreat here in the magic city in July of next year. I’m really excited about that because my VIP QUEEN clients, friends, and coaching members fly in from all over the world to this beautiful city! On the itinerary we have: keynote speakers, workshops, workouts, walks on the beach, one-on-one coaching opportunities with me, group celebration dinners, and more! We celebrate our VIP queens’ accomplishments, breakthroughs, and miracles that have happened in our lives at a four-day mega event, at one of the top-notch resorts here on Miami Beach. It truly is heaven-on-earth, a miraculous experience of life-changing and transformative events!

What's a quote that you live by? I live by so many, I cannot just pick one! I’m grateful to have been coined “The Queen of Wellness,” and I have many JNL-ism’s that many of my followers are very familiar with. Some are “Strong is the New Skinny,” “Never Give Up,” “Kiss My Abs,” “We Are Stronger Together,” “Yes You Can,” “Believe,” “Don’t Let Them Dim Your Light,” “Let’s Manifest It,” “Flip It,” “I’m Jolted,” “Let’s Go Higher and Let’s Glow Brighter,” and “Love is a Drug! Get Addicted!”

What impact do you want to leave on society? I want to empower as many as I can to step out of the darkness of fear and into the light of faith.

You are the “Queen of Media” as you have been in movies, infomercials, commercials, 94 magazine covers, and you are a power-pitch woman having been on HSN and QVC……WHEW! Which project has been your favorite? Great question. I love it all! I love going live, and feeling the rush of connecting with my audience, as that connection feeds my spirit!


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