Fit for a King
Words: Michelle Wallace IG @my.michelle.w
Photography: Sergey Yusin @sergey_yusin
Wardrobe: Jaxson Maximus @jaxsonmaximus
Make-up: Julia Brig @juliabrigmia
style | June 01, 2021
The Future is Female
Words: Michelle Wallace
Creative Direction: Dr. Cybil Bonhomme
Photographer: Dmitry Zhitov
MUA: Julia Brig
Wardrobe Styling : Luiie Otero
Assistant Stylist: Lasalle Steven
Talent: Adriana Cantano, Emily Zubi, Ana Quincoces

Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do. I am a multi-hyphenate true Miami girl: entrepreneur, business owner, TV host, actress, voice over talent, beauty expert, and beauty editor. I have been in show business for 35 years and started out as a model. I studied acting, learned the ropes, and was even a part-time talent agent for 3 years while I modeled at the beginning of my career. In 2018, I launched my own vegan skincare line CATANO BEAUTY and am focused on my brand 90% of the time. I have also owned my own Spanish language magazine since 2017 called Somos La Revista that focuses on Latina entrepreneurs, community leaders and some entertainment. Acting has become a hobby for me, and now it's so much fun being on a production as opposed to when it was my main source of income.
What does National Women’s Month mean to you? National Women's Month is an incredible time to highlight the treasure that it is to be a woman and our contributions to society, our families, and the economy. But women should be highlighted throughout the entire year, not just during this month. I am so honored to be chosen to represent women in Miami for this very special issue. It's the time to recognize all the women who have made a difference in our lives, whether they be our mothers, daughters, sisters, doctors, teachers, lawyers, etc.

Let's remember to lift each other up as women and support each other.
Who are some inspirational women you look up to? Although many women have paved the way for newer generations, my true inspirations are the women in my family who immigrated to the U.S., learned the language, and left everything behind to provide a better life for future generations. As a single mom, I found hope in knowing that I had all the women in my family to support me unconditionally. Their support allowed me to feel secure raising my daughter while also flourishing in my career. I hope to inspire other women to reach for the stars and to not be afraid of reinventing themselves when they are faced with adversity.
What role, if any, has Miami played in your career aspirations? As a Miami native, the city and community have played a huge role in my journey. I love how our city has turned into a melting pot of all Latin American countries—there is no other city in the U.S. with our flavor. I received my first show business opportunity here on Telemundo network for a Spanish language "live" daily game show, and I made my career on the U.S. Hispanic TV networks which also aired all over Latin America. Thanks to Miami, I got the best of both worlds: being recognized in the U.S. among Hispanics and also being recognized in Latin America. Thanks to growing up in a Latino household (Colombian family), I learned how to speak perfect Spanish growing up and eventually, working on Spanish language television became my main source of income.
What legacy do you hope to leave behind for future generations of females? To always follow your dreams no matter what, be persistent, and be prepared. By “prepared” I mean study, study, study—whatever career or craft you dream of. Also remember to never be scared to start over. Often this

means you must close certain doors in order for new ones to open and this includes ending relationships with people who are not supportive or who are holding you back from accomplishing your goals. I also want to inspire women to not be afraid to reinvent yourself no matter how old you are. I started my skincare business CATANO BEAUTY at the age of 51 and my magazine at the age of 50. It's always a good time to start over, even if it sounds cliché, it is 100% true.
Do you have any philanthropic projects in the works?
Every year since 2012 I have hosted the Creativas Group Christmas toy drive in benefit of Nicklaus Children's Hospital. I also own an organization called Team Humanity Miami, which has held several clothing drives and Christmas toy drives for South Florida children since 2015. We will be hosting a clothing and women’s supply drive during March for Women's month. We will be collecting clothing and toiletries for women and children in need. I love collaborating with all charities and organizations to give back to our community.
Is there any advice you’d like to give to the boss babes of Miami? Please support one another. We should all support women owned businesses and projects. Pay it forward, it will always come back to you tenfold. In addition, please mentor as many young girls as possible.

Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do. I wear so many different hats on a daily basis, but I’ll give you the abbreviated version. I am the founder and CEO of Skinny Latina Brands. Skinny Latina is a fast-growing line of sauces and marinades sold in over 3,000 retail stores nationwide as well as online at I started Skinny Latina as a side hustle with just one sauce in 2013. Once I realized that there was a demand for better-for-you Latin-inspired products, I decided to put all my eggs in that basket. Well, the eggs are thriving, and I am developing new products all the time. This year we will be producing frozen Skinny Latina appetizers that you can pop into your oven or air fryer and wow your friends and family. I also work with many great brands.
We collaborate on recipes and product endorsements which I really enjoy. I develop menus for restaurants and consult with companies who want to launch their own food brands. I have a fourth cookbook in the works and the first of a series of children’s books. I co-host a podcast with one of my daughters called “Mami Issues” which has really resonated with the millennial/Gen Z and boomer/Gen X demographic. The podcast highlights in a humorous way the differences between feuding generations as we discuss current events in pop culture, reality TV, personal issues etc. It’s a lot of fun. I also have a cooking show in the works alongside someone I’ve wanted to work with for a long time, which I am very excited about.
What does National Women’s Month mean to you? I feel a little torn by the term National Women’s Month quite frankly. Women do so much every single day, quietly, humbly, under the radar, and sacrifice so much of themselves for others that I hardly think one month is adequate celebration. That being said, women are so worthy of being celebrated and I’m all for tooting our own and each other’s horns as often and as loudly as possible. We are a force. We are a rare combination of strength, grit, and resilience; and the future (which is female, by the way) will demonstrate our enormous contributions. Our grandchildren’s and our great-grandchildren’s history books will look a lot different from ours, and that is exciting.

Who are some inspirational women you look up to? My mom, my daughters, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Michelle Obama, and Oprah.
What role, if any, has Miami played in your career aspirations? Miami has been the foundation of everything I have ever done. I was born and raised in Miami and its ‘sabor’ is at the very core of who I am. Miami boasts the most dynamic Latin community anywhere. Miami has a flavor, a color, a sound, and a vibrancy all its own. When I created Skinny Latina, that is exactly what I intended to bottle—something that melded all those things together. It’s not just a combination of ingredients, but that incomparable flavor that is Miami.
Did you encounter any glass ceilings within your industry? My industry is very much male-dominated. I have never been one to allow someone’s gender to interfere with what I have set out to do. Perhaps attending law school in the late 80’s and early 90’s when only 20 percent of the classes were women and less than 1 percent Latina was good preparation for me. I’ve always felt that complaining about the glass ceiling takes a lot of energy away from the job at hand. It is the results of our hard work and our undeniable accomplishments that continue to leave little cracks in that ceiling. It is certainly weaker now than it was when I first encountered it. I only hope that those who put it there get out of the way before it comes crashing down—because it is imminent.
What legacy do you hope to leave behind for future generations of females? The older I get, the more my legacy matters. As the mother of two girls and now grandmother to Lola, I take my legacy quite seriously. To a large extent, my legacy is my daughters. Not just because I gave birth to them, but because every single day we talk and discuss the ways that we are evolving as women. We discuss tough issues and differing opinions. We share what we are reading, watching, and eating. We provide each other different perspectives that help us learn and grow. I learn from them as much as they learn from me. Today I am less judgmental, more open-minded and just generally happier because of their perspectives. And by no means do we always agree, but there is an underlying respect and understanding of how our own life experiences have colored our perspectives. I know they will be passing down those same lessons to their daughters. I also very much enjoy speaking to young women with entrepreneurial aspirations and do so any chance I get. Most of the young girls who have worked with me over the years feel mentored by me. I do my best to encourage them to follow their gut and to pretend to be fearless even when they are not. It will come.

Do you have any philanthropic projects in the works? I am working on a foundation to raise funds for Alzheimer’s—not just for research, but also to help and educate caretakers. When my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s almost two decades ago, there weren’t many resources for caretakers. I watched my mother take on the almost insurmountable task of caring for my dad on her own. Friends and even family seemed to disappear. My parents’ home was no longer the fun place with the parties and great food that it used to be, and as a result they no longer called or visited. It’s lonely being a caretaker because even the person you are taking care of isn’t really there. This foundation will honor my dad who struggled with that dignity-robbing illness, and my mother who as a caretaker demonstrated unfaltering love, support, and grace. And it will provide resources to the growing number of families facing this dreadful disease.
Is there any advice you’d like to give to the boss babes of Miami? The best advice I can give is the one I give myself every day: You are worthy of success and happiness. You are stronger and more resilient than even you know. Do not be afraid to fail. You learn much more from failure than success.
I would also advise them to separate their ego from their business. A business that is a vanity project is a recipe for heartache. As much as you may think an idea or a concept is great, it doesn’t matter if it won’t sell. Give it a little time and make adjustments, but ultimately know when to let go and start over. Being hell-bent on making something work is not only costly, it’s soul crushing.
Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do. I am the founder and CEO of Miami Women Who Rock (MWWR), a powerhouse platform of women and businesses that believe in giving back. MWWR hosts creative concept experience events where we honor leaders with the famous ‘RockStar Award’ or ‘Rising Star Award’. We have embodied the word "empowerment" since 2007, with our first ever You Rock Awards held at the Miami Beach Yacht Club. Together with our Founders Circle and YPP Circle, we have recognized over 150 Leaders and given back to over 75 charities. As Chief Creative Officer at The Zubi Group, I work with luxury brands that have corporate social responsibility programs.
What does National Women’s Month mean to you? This year more than ever, National Women's Month celebrates a new generation of women born with the spirit of empowerment.
Who are some inspirational women you look up to? First and foremost are my mothers, both gone too soon. My birth mother Miriam taught me resilience, perseverance, and courage. My mother by marriage, Tere Zubizarreta, taught me about giving back, and she was my true inspiration for Miami Women Who Rock. I have always said, "If I could be half the woman she was to this community, I will have followed her legacy.” I know that years ago, I would have answered this question very differently, but today I admire friends that have become family, like Nitza, a breast cancer

survivor who at 75 goes to work each day to run a business; Audrey, our CFO at age 71, who battles diabetes daily and still manages to coach women in business and make chicken broth when needed.
What role, if any, has Miami played in your career aspirations? Miami is EVERYTHING! Miami is a beautiful and vibrant city with its own personality. It’s a gateway to Latin America and now the world. Miami has provided the most amazing backdrop to my career since I arrived in 1993 to launch MTV Latin America. My global career was born in Miami.
Did you encounter any glass ceilings within your industry? If there was one, I never saw it!
What legacy do you hope to leave behind for future generations of females? When women unite over a common cause, anything is possible!
Do you have any philanthropic projects in the works?
Between our signature events, the Fifty Shades of Pink RockStar Awards and Rising Star Awards, we partner with charities. Our YPP Circle has a "Quarterly Give Back" which will present a donation to a charity of their choice this month.